If you have any recent or historical pictures or newspaper articles that you would like to see on this site please let us know through the "Email us" page.
Rainout Dates:
Are you wondering about how to get involved in the SHBL?
Many teams are always looking for new players and the league can always use umpires.
There is no league registration, and each team has their own recruiting process.
Players can utilize the "Email us" page, or contact a team representative directly if you know which team you'd like to play for. Team contact information can be found on the "Teams" page.
If you would like to umpire you can "Email us" or contact Umpire-in-Chief Brad Casey. Brad's contact information can be found on the "Executive" page. For the 2023 season, home plate umpires are paid $60 per game, and base umpires $50 per game.
Also, if you would like to sponsor a team or wondering about starting a new team you can "Email us" for more information.